Sunday, February 3, 2008

Well, I've finished up at Monash. A good two years but time to move on. I'm enjoying the break, work-wise this is the most free that I've been for six years or so.

A few more photos of Evie on the picasa site. I'll try to post some more every so often.

Elizabeth is getting cabin fever, I think with me home more she'll be able to get out of the house more easily. She's already lined up a theology course and some hospital work!

Friday, December 7, 2007

One week on and we're starting to get used to the idea of it all. Evie is still at hospital; Elizabeth came home Wednesday. This was somewhat traumatic and at one stage I was faced with the prospect of bringing Evie home early and continuing tube feeds at home, but the neonatal intensivist in the family decided that a few extra days in hospital were in the baby's best interest.

She now has her feeding tube out; is feeding almost entirely on expressed milk; has had a few baths; and things are looking good. Hopefully home on the weekend.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Welcome, Evie!

We finally met Evie at 23:16 last night!

After 34 weeks she decided she couldn't wait any longer. Elizabeth came to hospital a week ago with ruptured membranes, and for the last week has been sitting in bed with her legs crossed.

Thursday was our last day of freedom. Ever. Elizabeth had her pedicure, we had a lovely birthday lunch for Elina at Jacques Reymond, and I spent half the night awake trying not to think about things too much.

Yesterday was the day. Induction started 9am, initially quite slowly but soon the Ute got the hint and began squeezing away. Elizabeth's mum was very supportive, and my parents also came to visit which was great. We kicked out everyone except for Beth's mother when things began getting more intense, there was work to be done and lots of concentration required. Elizabeth did a fantastic job with her breathing and relaxing and saving her energy, drinking constantly and having tiny snacks like the endurance athlete she proved herself to be! She pushed the baby out by herself at 23:16, and everything went as perfectly as it could have.

2285 g, doing all the things babies do, and looking gorgeous.
